Extensive production experience
in film and stills:

- Responsible for all aspects of commercial production
(bidding, pre-production, production, post process, delivery)
- Helping to build, train and manage teams at a production company
- Budgeting and scheduling
1 Million Euro+ projects
- Co-working with international
partner-productions, Directors and DOPs
- Supervising film crew, locations, equipment, set design, actors,
shooting schedules
- Designing optimal workflows
and assigning vendors that fit best
to each project
- Working with leading advertising agencies
BBDO group, Leo Burnett, Publicis, DDB, Havas, Young & Rubicam, McCann, JWT
- Controlling all financial
and creative contracts

Clients: Hyundai, Skoda, Volkswagen, Coca-Cola, Aqua Minerale, Lay's,
Red Bull, Nescafé, Durex, Samsung, L’Oréal, Maybelline, Outventure, Demix
and dozens of local Russian brands.
Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy)
Architecture of Residential and Public Buildings Architect (Master's Degree)

Filmservice productions
Moscow, Russia July 2013 — January 2021
09/2003 - 06/2009
Senior Producer
09/2012 - 12/2013
Wordshop academy BBDO (Moscow) Producing for Advertising & Film

Conversant with both Mac and PC platforms, proficiency in GSuite, Keynote, Office 365 including Excel and Photoshop.

Some of my personal traits: calm, attentive, empathetic and a delicate sense of beauty.
Russian: Mother tongue
English: Fluent (C1 CEF)
German: Beginner, A1
I'm a qualified architect and have a Master's Degree from Moscow Architectural Institute, but after working in this field for seven years I realized that my passion and talent belong to the advertising world. In 2013 I made a bold move and joined Filmservice Production (one of the most credible production companies in Russia) and this was single-handedly the best decision I've made in my career.

Now the time has come to put my skillset to helping another cool company.
Freelance Senior Producer
Moscow, Russia January 2021 — July 2021
Executive Producer
Moscow, Russia July 2021 — August 2022
Executive Producer
Berlin, Germany August 2022 — present
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